Friday, January 30, 2009

Your [Social] Network = Your Net Worth

In a down economy, the most job security you have is learning tow to network. With more competition against more candidates, learn how to uncover the hidden job market. this afternoon, we'll be discussing systems and methods of how to maintain and grow your networking skills. And we'll have today's "Internet Tip of the Week."

Join Emory Mulling and Cheryl Ayers this week for At Work. Only on GPB.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year Career Resolutions

In down economic times, its even MORE important to know what you want to achieve for next year. This can give you more of a feeling of control, foresight, and a better sense of where you are in your career.

This week on At Work with Emory Mulling we will give you tips on how to keep your resolutions and be more successful in achieving your New Year Career Goals. Tune in at 3:00PM on your local GPB Radio station, or online at